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History for 90 sekunder

The 90 Sekunder project was launched in 1990 and the same year the first film was produced. In 1991 the series started with four issues per year.

As with so many other successful projects 90 sekunder came about by chance;  in 1989 the then Head of Training Department at the Swedish Rescue Services Agency (SRSA) was on a road trip in the USA and got lost. He went into a fire station to ask directions and there sat a crew of firefighters watching a video from American Heat, a precursor to 90 Sekunder, and now one of its partners in the US. He was interested and decided to find out if a similar product could be produced for the Swedish market.

90 Sekunder, which was initially produced with the help of a hired camera crew and production company, quickly became a success with its customers. As production progressed the SRSA purchased new equipment and so from 1993 the SRSA had its own camera crew.

The MSB has its own film crew

By 2000 technical equipment had advanced so much that  the entire production could be carried out by the SRSA with modern digital equipment.
Across the years the series has covered many subjects; and it is with great pleasure and pride that we can state that so far we have always felt welcome when we have visited fire brigades and industries around the country.

Our greatest asset in our efforts to offer interesting films is undoubtedly the trust of our customers. Without that trust we wouldn’t have had the advantage of being able to record, at close quarters, so many newsworthy events and operations both domestically and overseas.

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