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Taking part in a mission

MSB is continuously looking for committed and skilled experts for our humanitarian, resilience and peace support operations. If you want to engage yourself in providing support to those affected by a crisis, conflict or a disaster, here is further information on how you can get involved.


  • I want to take part in a mission. How do I express my interest?

    Start by registering on MyPages and then apply whenever we post vacancy announcements or roster openings for your specific area of expertise. Please note that you are not part of the MSB Field Staff Roster only by registering on MyPages. We continuously post vacancy announcements and roster openings on our web site.

    Register on MyPages

    Current recruitments

  • What is the difference between being registered on the MSB Field Staff Roster and applying for a vacancy announcement?

    The purpose of the MSB Field Staff Roster is to enable a prompt recruitment of personnel for time-critical missions. The roster consists of people with backgrounds in a variety of areas of expertise, who have gone through a previous selection process and participated in training organised by MSB. When an urgent recruitment need arises, we send an interest inquiry to those on the roster who have the adequate qualifications for the position. A selection is then made from among those who have declared their availability.

    For missions where the time frame so admits, we recruit by posting a vacancy announcement for the specific position, rather than recruiting via the roster. The individual recruited in this process is employed for the position in question, and there is no connection to the MSB Field Staff Roster. However, people who are part of the roster can also apply for specific positions.

  • What areas of expertise are there on the MSB Field Staff Roster?

    MSB recruits individuals within a number of areas of expertise and endeavours to have quality-assured and trained individuals on our roster within the following areas:

    • Administration
    • Construction and support
    • Disaster management
    • Environment
    • Water, sanitation and hygiene
    • Humanitarian assistance
    • Information and communications technology
    • Information
    • Logistics
    • Medical
    • Mine action
    • Emergency response
    • Security

    Areas of expertise

  • May I submit a spontaneous application?

    MSB does not accept spontaneous applications. However, you may register on MyPages and then apply when we post vacancy announcement or roster openings for your field of expertise.

  • May just anyone apply?

    Anyone who wants to take part in a mission may apply when we publish vacancy announcements or roster openings, however selection is strictly based on your having the required experience and training.

    It is also important to have the language skills required, usually English, but we may also need people with other language skills such as French, for example.

    Previous international experience is a merit, and, in certain cases, a requirement. Applicants should also be in good health as assignments are undertaken in countries where infrastructure may be poorly developed and medical services are either inadequate or non-existent.

    The purpose of these health requirements is to minimize the health risks that international assignments may involve, and also to avoid serious injuries and/or cases of illness that may jeopardize the safety of the individual or the group.

    Current recruitments

  • May I be registered on the Roster as having several areas of expertise?

    Yes, you may. If you have more than one area of expertise, we encourage you to apply when we publish roster openings that match your background. In this way you increase your possibilities to receive interest inquiries when we recruit via the Field Staff Roster.

  • Do those registered on the roster receive any training by MSB?

    MSB strives for everyone registered on the roster to have completed our training courses before taking part in a mission. The reason for this is primarily that you should possess a solid fund of knowledge and feel confident in your ability to work on assignment. It is mandatory to complete the MSB Induction Course before taking part in a mission.Training and exercises for those registered on the MSB Field Staff roster

  • What happens after an application for a roster opening?

    If you are considered as having the qualifications required for the competency profile, an appointment for an interview will be made. We will then get in touch with the referees whose contact details you have provided.

  • How can I obtain international work experience?

    MSB has a trainee programme for those registered on the roster offering an opportunity for the trainees to receive international field experience. The aim is to increase the individuals’ possibilities of getting selected for a mission.

    MSB gives priority to roster members who have completed the MSB’s induction training. MSB strives to apply gender equality in terms of recruitment to the trainee programme. The duration of the trainee program varies between eight and twelve weeks.

  • When may I take part in a mission?

    As registered on the MSB Field Staff Roster, you will receive interest inquiries via e-mail or telephone. To be eligible for missions, you must have completed the MSB Induction Course.

    As our international operations are needs-driven, it may vary how often you receive inquiries of interest.

    Before a mission

  • When I have been selected for an assignment, how long will it be before I have to leave?

    It varies depending on the assignment, visa administration, security level and so on. Most likely you will depart within 2- 4 weeks from the date of acceptance. In exceptional cases, departure will be arranged within one week.

  • Can I terminate the assignment?

    During an assignment a mutual period of notice applies. The notice period varies depending on your contract of employment.

  • What is the duration of the assignment?

    The duration of the assignment depends on the operation. An assignment usually lasts from three months up to one year.

    There are also assignments that last for several years and those whose duration is from ten days to a couple of months, but these are far less common.

  • How am I insured?

    MSB has a comprehensive insurance package for field staff, including group life insurance, personal injury insurance and property insurance. The conditions are slightly different depending on which contract you are contracted through and if you are covered by Swedish social insurance.

  • What rules apply to me when I am on assignment?

    MSB sets high standards of conduct for our field staff and your observance of ethical rules while on assignment. Everyone must sign an agreement containing a number of listed ethical rules, a so called Code of Conduct, before the assignment commences.

    During a mission

  • Will I travel by myself or be part of a team?

    It varies depending on the operation. Many of the operations undertaken by the MSB are secondments, i.e., individual specialist assignments where the MSB partner organisation is provided with the required expertise. There are also MSB operations where you are a part of a larger team who jointly has to perform a common task.

  • May my family accompany me?

    The vast majority of operations take place in countries or regions to which it is not advisable to bring accompanying family members. However, in the case of certain operations it may be possible to bring family members to the duty station.

  • What measures will MSB take should something happen during an assignment?

    Should something happen during an assignment, the measures taken will be adapted to the specific incident. If a team from MSB is on assignment, it is the team leader who decides what measures will be taken.

    If you are on a secondment, it is your receiving organisation who is responsible for your safety, according to their agreement with MSB.You should always contact your programme manager, or the MSB Duty Officer outside office hours, if the security situation changes and you should follow the advice that you receive.

  • What can I do to increase my chances of being re-selected for an assignment?

    Make sure that the information registered on MyPages is continuously updated by adding details of new areas of expertise, training courses and experience. Also update your contact details when they change so that we will be able to contact you with interest inquiries.

    If you changes jobs while e registered on the MSB Field Staff Roster, you should talk to your new employer about your commitment to MSB.

  • Do I have to register my information in English on MyPages?

    Yes, since our partner organisations generally wish to examine the CV, it is a requirement that you register your information in English.

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