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Research and statistics

Knowledge development plays a strategic role in MSB’s work for a safer society. As research is the most important way of developing knowledge MSB has the task of directing, ordering and ensuring the quality of research conducted on its behalf.


MSB primarily supports applied, needs-oriented research. The aim is to generate practical applicable research findings that will lead to an increased ability to solve societal problems. MSB research covers a wide field and encompasses several disciplines and is carried out in cross-sector and international context.

In addition we work with conveying research findings to different stakeholders in the community.

In order to stimulate research on civil contingencies we allocate approx SEK 100 million annually to a variety of research activities, for example, funding for major research programmes, individual projects, and competence and structural support. We cooperate with other authorities to ensure growing research grants through joint calls for funding applications.

Nordic Fire Statistics

Nordic Fire Statistics provides statistics on fire deaths and building fires which are of sufficient quality to allow a comparison of the fire problem across the Nordic countries and Estonia.

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