Conference: Public and private collaboration in security of supply
This symposium will provide a platform for authorities and businesses from Sweden and Finland to gather and discuss relevant security related issues.
Target group
The conference is aimed at head of department or equivalent positions.
MSB and NESA invite you to a conference on Swedish-Finnish collaboration in security of supply.
Programme: day 1, 24 October, 09:00-19:00
- Registration
- Opening – welcoming words by Johan Berggren, State Secretary to the Swedish Minister for Civil Defence
- Critical Nordic Flows
- Swedish-Finnish cooperation
- Lunch
- Public–private cooperation on preparedness planning
- Government assignment: Mission for security of supply analysis
- Workshop
- Concluding Remarks
- After work: networking mingle
Programme: day 2, 25 October, 09:00-13:00
- Workshop
- Concluding remarks by the host nation
- Lunch
- Possibilities for attendees to join bilateral meetings